The Ultimate Guide to WooCommerce EMails

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Written By WPCubicle Team

WooCommerce is a powerful e-commerce plugin that helps you create online stores using WordPress with ease. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily add products, manage your inventory, track your sales, and process payments quickly and securely.

If you are just getting started with your WordPress store, the free version of the WooCommerce plugin might meet your requirements. As you grow though, and need to set up some more complex scenarios, you will probably need to invest in WooCommerce Pro and premium WooCommerce addons.

WooCommerce EMails

By default, the free WooCommerce plugin sends out transaction emails that are basically alerts or notifications to keep both the store owner and customers informed throughout the order process.

It is these WooCommerce emails that I am going to talk about in detail in this post – how to make the most of these emails to improve customer experience and boost conversions.

Understanding WooCommerce Emails and Settings


WooCommerce-> Settings-> Emails

By default, the free version of the WooCommerce plugin has 10 transactional emails that can be enabled / disabled and customized as well.

What Emails Does WooCommerce Send usually?

By understanding the different types of transactional emails that WooCommerce sends, you can better manage your customer communications and improve the overall shopping experience.

These are the 10 transaction emails that WooCommerce sends out usually –

New Order Email – Sent to the Store Manager

New Order WooCommerce Email Template

WooCommerce-> Settings-> Emails -> New Order – Manage

As soon as a new order is received, WooCommerce sends a notification email to the store manager (or whomever else you think needs to know), with details of the new purchase. This email helps the manager to stay informed and possibly take any action that may be required to fulfil the order successfully, if needed.

Cancelled Order Email – Sent to the Store Manager

Cancelled Order Woo Commerce Email Notification

In the event that an order is cancelled, WooCommerce sends an email to the store manager informing them about the cancellation. This ensures that your store manager is aware of changes made to the order status .

Failed Order Email – Sent to the Store Manager

Failed Order Woo Commerce Email Template

If an order fails to go through, WooCommerce sends an email to the store manager letting them know that the customer’s payment was unsuccessful. This communication allows the store manager to take corrective action to help the customer complete their purchase.

Order On-Hold Email – Sent to the Customer

Failed Order Woo Commerce Email Template

After placing an order, customers may face a situation where their order is put on hold. In such cases, WooCommerce sends an email containing the order details to the customer, providing clarity and transparency about the status of their purchase.

Processing Order Email – Sent to the Customer

In Process Order Woo Commerce Email Template

Once payment has been successfully processed, WooCommerce sends an email to the customer with the order details. This email serves as a confirmation that the order has been received and is currently being processed. This helps to set expectations regarding shipping and delivery.

Completed Order Email – Sent to the Customer

Completed Order Woo Commerce Email Template

When an order has been marked as complete, usually indicating that it has been shipped, WooCommerce sends an email to the customer with the update. This email serves as a final confirmation and provides customers with peace of mind that their order is on its way.

Refunded Order Email – Sent to the Customer

Refunded Order WooCommerce Email Template

In cases where an order is refunded fully or partially, WooCommerce sends an email to the customer notifying them of the refund. This email ensures that customers are aware of the refund and helps to maintain transparency throughout the process.

Customer Note Email – Sent to the Customer

Customer note Order Woo Commerce Email Template

If a customer note is added by the store manager or administrator by editing an order, WooCommerce sends an email to the customer with the added note (usually an update or important information regarding the order). This allows for effective communication between you and your customers, ensuring that important information or updates are shared promptly.

Reset Password Email – Sent to the Customer

Password Reset Alert WooCommerce Email Template

Whenever a customer resets their password, WooCommerce sends an email to them with instructions on how to complete the password reset process. This email helps customers regain access to their accounts and ensures the security of their information.

New Account Email – Sent to the Customer

New Account Created WooCommerce Email Template

When a customer creates a new account, WooCommerce sends a welcome email to them. This email confirms the successful creation of their account. It can also be used to provide important information on how to get started and make the most out of their new account.

Custom Woocommerce Email

WooCommerce e-mails are fully customizable, allowing you to tailor them to your brand and meet the specific needs of your e-commerce store.

You can and should customize WooCommerce emails to create engaging and timely communication that keeps your customers informed every step of the way.

These emails can be completely customized by you using the WooCommerce admin email settings. You can choose to enable or disable the email, change the title, subject, content and even the appearance using your own custom HTML template.

In Conclusion

WooCommerce Emails are a really brilliant tool for you to connect with your customers. Utilize it to increase brand-loyalty and to cross-sell effectively and watch your revenue zoom.

Before you go

If you run an e-commerce store that accepts payments, you should invest heavily in your website’s security to protect your customers. Biometric passkeys are one of the most effective ways to do that.

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