How Many Websites Use WordPress?

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Written By WPCubicle Team

The World’s Leading CMS – WordPress

WordPress has cemented its position as the go-to content management system (CMS) for millions of websites worldwide. Its user-friendly interface, extensive customization options, and powerful features have led to its popularity amongst bloggers and e-commerce stores alike.

But just how many websites use WordPress world-wide?

How Many Websites Use WordPress - data from BuiltWith

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According to recent data from

34,770,646 websites use WordPress (as on October 20, 2023)


This staggering figure highlights the widespread adoption and trust that web developers, businesses, influencers, and individuals place in WordPress.

The Allure of WordPress

With over 15 years of open source development, WordPress has continuously evolved to meet the needs of its users. Its flexibility allows it to cater to a wide range of websites, from simple blogs to complex e-commerce platforms and enterprise-level websites.

One of the key factors driving WordPress’s appeal is its intuitive user interface. Even non-technical users can easily create and manage content on their WordPress sites. Additionally, the platform has a large collection of WordPress themes and plugins that help customize WordPress websites easily.

BuiltWith Statistics

The data gathered by provides invaluable insights into the CMS landscape. However, it is important to note that these numbers are estimates based on publicly accessible information.

The actual number of WordPress sites may vary as some sites may be hidden behind security measures or not identifiable by the BuiltWith system.

Nevertheless, the fact that more than 34 million websites actively use WordPress is a testament to its huge dominance in the CMS market.

The Versatility of WordPress

WordPress caters to a diverse range of website types, including personal blogs, business websites, e-commerce platforms, news publications, and more.

Notable brands and organizations such as The New York Times, Sony Music, and others use WordPress for their websites.

The Supportive WordPress Community

Behind the success of WordPress lies a vibrant and dynamic community of developers, designers, and enthusiasts who contribute to its growth and improvement. The WordPress community actively develops plugins, themes, and updates to enhance the CMS’s functionality and security.

Additionally, WordPress community events, such as WordCamps and meetups, bring users and developers together to share knowledge and experiences. This collaborative spirit fosters innovation and ensures that WordPress remains at the forefront of the CMS landscape.

In Conclusion – How many WordPress Sites are there

In summary, the number of websites using WordPress is nothing short of remarkable. With over 34 million websites leveraging this powerful CMS, WordPress continues to dominate the digital landscape. Its versatility, ease of use, and the support of its passionate community have solidified its position as the leading choice for website management.

Whether you’re an individual looking to start a personal blog, a small business owner aiming to establish an online presence, or a large corporation in need of a scalable CMS solution, WordPress offers a simple and reliable platform to bring your website to life.

So, with over 34 million websites and counting, it’s clear that WordPress is still one of the leading CMS platforms.

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